NAM-KHAR & VORTEX: “The Sarajevo Spiral” Digi CD

Two of the most prolific bands in the German occult underground have joined forces to create their latest album amidst the rising global conflicts of the new 1920s. The result is a martial and meditative journey of eleven complex compositions that reflect upon the human death drive.
In his 1915 work “Thoughts for the Times on War and Death,” Sigmund Freud wrote about World War One, which began with an assassination in Sarajevo: “We cannot but feel that no event has ever destroyed so much that is precious in the common possessions of humanity, confused so many of the clearest intelligences, or so thoroughly debased what is highest. […] Probably, however, our sense of these immediate evils is disproportionately strong, and we are not entitled to compare them with the evils of other times which we have not experienced…”
Nam-Khar and Vortex base their musical reflections on the idea that we are now at the closure of a historical circle, one century later. “The Sarajevo Spiral” is about the past, the present, and the eternal return of fate. It is a multilayered gaze into the Abyss, a distorted sketch of the human condition.
Enhanced by the distinctive voice of Christian Fuchs (Fetish 69, Black Palms Orchestra) and the blackened guitar fragments of Oliver Freund (MARS, Vinur), “The Sarajevo Spiral” offers a harsher, more apocalyptic outlook on our world. Darkly spiritual yet deeply nihilistic, this album presents a profound exploration of the human psyche.
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