MAUSOLEUM GATE: “Metal & The Might / Demon Soul” 7″ Single

After a prolonged ominous organ throng, with all manner of horned devils sharpening their claws in the shadows, the title track cracks into hellbent fury. Cymbals never still, sparks fly from the keys and the guitars deliver sweet ’70s melodies like there’s no tomorrow. Deep Purple on speed! Flipping over, “Demon Soul” has a very different character. Somewhat slower without being anything like a night crawler, the tone is haunting. Mystical with a touch of class, the hymn rocks darkly. The rhythm and flow just right. Varpula’s voice is the focal point. Fragile, melodic and spellbinding, he sings without dominating proceedings. Then once the trance is set, the band, as one, deliver the killer blow via volleys of Heep organs, throbbing bass lines, leisurely rattle and roll capped with sublime solos. Love it. Best song of theirs by far!