OBSIDIAN SEA: “Dreams Illusions Obsessions” MC / CD

Location should not be significant. But Bulgaria features little in these circles and when quality counts let it be known. Presenting six songs over six minutes apiece, this trio demands attention. Their Doom driving with a certain clarity in the vocal delivery. But not too clean, no, there is an menace lurking below the surface. The dream could sour. “Confession” bubbles with darkness. Somewhere in the middle and towards its close, solos scream class. Adept orthodoxy with personality. Unless gravely mistaken, “Child in the Tower” might even echo Black Hole. Blind Men indeed. Enough distractions. Follow the narrative, the organs, bass lines and all those subtle touches in their craft. Rendered with emotion, “Mulkurul” is a fitting companion and the racier finale rather special too. But the haunting “Somnambulism” may be best of all. Whispers repeating or echoing the sleepwalker’s song. The melody strange and far from soothing. Psychosis taut. At breaking point. Are you?

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