GARDEN OF WORM: “Endless Garden” Digi CD

Has it really been seven barren years since the “Idle Stones” LP was revealed? Really? Granted, there were a couple of stirring singles in the intervening spell such as that special split appearance with The Wandering Midget on the Pariah Child imprint. Still, a long time has passed. But the wait was not in vain, no, because this third full-length album, “Endless Garden” witnesses our Finnish trio in full bloom. The sound both organic and punchy. These songs brimming with life. Collectively, they feel like a breezy spring day with proggy folk hues shimmering in the sunlight and a gentle fragrance of melancholy lingering in the air. Distilled in old oak barrels, they have fermented long beyond humble doomed beginnings yet retained that unmistakably personal character we cherish. This is a culmination of their craft, and for me, truly irresistible at that. Drink deep the heady ambience. It will intoxicate again and again.
Vinyl Version:
Interview & First Video:
Second Video:
Album Review:
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